Count Dooku Clone Wars Front Side Sword Concept Art

This article details a subject that is considered canon.

This article is about the planet. You may exist looking for the private the planet was named after.

"I tin can hear them…Dooku…Dooku…"
―Sifo-Dyas, seeing the hereafter of Serenno [3]

Serenno was a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories' D'Astan sector, covered in lush forests, mountains and plains. Serenno was named after its ruling family, Business firm Serenno. During the Clone Wars, it was aligned with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the leader of which was the Serenno-born Count Dooku.

Clarification [ ]

Serenno was a terrestrial[5] planet located in the D'Astan sector's Serenno organisation, in the Northern Dependencies[two] of the Outer Rim Territories, in grid square P-5 on the Standard Galactic Filigree.[1] The planet sabbatum a prime number point forth a maze of fundamental hyperspace lanes, close to the planet Toprawa and the Corporate Sector that lay to the northeast, at the very start of the Hydian Way super-hyperroute. To the east sat the vast Gordian Reach and, within it, the Yavin system, while Mandalorian space lay due south. A direct route down the Hydian Style to Brentaal IV would mean a short jump across to the planet Coruscant and the galactic seat of power. Information technology was also situated along the Spurs of Celanon.[2]

Serenno orbited a singular star[2] and was orbited past ii moons, including the moon of Mantero.[3] Its surface was covered in lush rainforests and mountain ranges, as well equally savannas, which gave style to rivers that spilled into oceans.[2] Serenno silvery was a type of metal that shared its name with the world.[11] The plains of the world hid seams of sacanium that were discovered during the invasion of Serenno.[3] The capital metropolis of Serenno was Carannia, which was a town with vaulted structures and cylindrical towers that extended to the wood-covered hills of the mountain range nearby. The urban center housed the Carannia Spaceport, as well every bit the Bang-up Assembly Business firm, which was an biconvex edifice that hosted Serenno'southward Planetary Quango.[viii]

History [ ]

"And for your information, I am the boss. I am Knuckles Solha of the Free Organisation of Serenno."
―Solha, to Anakin Skywalker and Thrawn [9]

The forested surface of Serenno at night

Co-ordinate to the legends of the noble houses of the planet, Serenno was in one case a planet nether the command of the Sith Empire. The viii great houses were mobilized by the House Serenno and, according to their histories, expelled the Sith forces without Jedi assistance. As a result the planet was subsequently renamed in award of Serenno, member of the house. After, he formed the Planetary Quango and joined the Galactic Republic.[3]

Around 232 BBY[12] during the High Commonwealth Era, the planet was represented in the Galactic Republic by Senator Izzet Noor, who was also the spokesperson for the majority of Outer Rim locations that had been brought under the Democracy'southward control.[thirteen]

By 102 BBY,[source?] Serenno was ruled by Count Gora. Shortly after the nascency of his second son, Dooku, Gora realized that the male child was Force-sensitive; due to his hatred of them Gora apace contacted the Jedi Order and and so left the male child alone in the forest outside of his palace to die or be found past the Jedi seekers. Gora subsequently refused to speak of Dooku. As such, his other ii children, Ramil and Jenza, and the wider Serennian public were initially unaware of Dooku's existence. Gora's dominion was unpopular for many Serennians due to him often laying off workers and replacing them with droids. The unrest even led to a protest in[three] 82 BBY[source?] at the Funeral of Countess Anya, during which Gora almost ordered his Security Droids to fire on the protestors until Dooku intervened. This intervention unwittingly revealing Dooku's identity every bit Gora's son to the Serennian public.[3]

Subsequently becoming Count, a title he took on later on the invasion of Serenno,[iii] Dooku founded the Confederacy of Contained Systems, an alliance of solar systems who wanted to secede from the Republic, he moved his headquarters to a cliff-side castle on Serenno.[v]

Around 23 BBY,[xiv], in the great hall of his castle, Dooku tasked Asajj Ventress to go and find his sister, Lady Jenza. For her to find Jenza, she looked through datapads and Dooku's journal, and learned how Dooku was before he left the Jedi Order. She finds out that she had been kidnapped and would exist tracking Glute, a Crolute criminal who was hired by Raz Fellidrone. Before Ventress could get information from Glute, a sudden equalizer commodities was fired into Glute's head, shot past a Republic Intelligence officer, Raz Fellidrone. He tortured Jenza to attempt to get information out of her to assistance the Galactic Republic. Ventress caught upwards with him and stabbed him through his breast with her lightsaber in his apartment on Serenno. Dooku really intended for Jenza to exist killed, for the information she held, as Ventress was afterward ordered. She and then said "I'grand distressing" as she buried her lightsaber into Jenza's breast.[3]

The hostility between the Democracy and the Confederacy turned into a pan-galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars, and Serenno became a stronghold of the Confederacy. Protected by a cordon of Amalgamated warships, the planet was kept insulated from the worst of the Clone Wars battles.[five]

At some point, the Sith Master of Dooku, Darth Sidious, contacted Dooku in his palace via hologram and ordered the count to get rid of his pupil, a Dathomirian named Asajj Ventress. Equally Ventress had grown too powerful, Sidious feared that she would pose a threat to his ain plans. Nevertheless, Ventress survived Dooku's attempt to kill her. Later returning to her people on Dathomir, she came back to Serenno with her fellow Nightsisters Karis and Naa'leth to raid Dooku'southward palace and exact revenge on him. Notwithstanding, the Nightsisters were no match for the count, who used the Force and hurled the intruders out of the palace. After the skirmish, Dooku received a transmission from the Nightsister Mother Talzin, who offered to replace Ventress with Vicious Opress, a Dathomirian Nightbrother.[6] Upon completion of the deal, Opress was delivered to Dooku on Serenno,[15] and the count started to train him on that planet.[16]

Some fourth dimension later, Dooku summoned 11 of the galaxy's all-time bounty hunters, which included Cad Blight and Rako Hardeen, secretly Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise, to his abode planet. He wanted to recruit the best suited candidate to take part in Moralo Eval'due south plot to abduct the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. In order to do and so, Dooku then put the compensation hunters in Eval's Box, a cubical structure hosted on Serenno.[17]

Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Dooku imprisoned the Jedi assassin Master Quinlan Vos at his palace on Serenno. There, the Sith Lord subjected the Jedi to prolonged periods of torture. In order to push him to the dark side, Dooku revealed that his fellow assassin Ventress had murdered Vos' late Principal Tholme. Enraged, Vos embraced the night side and became Dooku's latest amateur. When Ventress arrived with Boba Fett's syndicate to rescue Vos, he spurned their rescue and sided with Dooku.[18]

Behind the scenes [ ]

Concept art of a Serenno City

In the 2018 reference book Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Serenno was mispelled as "Serreno."[19]

Appearances [ ]

Sources [ ]

Notes and references [ ]


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